Workshop on 'Healthcare Information Management System'

Feb 18, 2021

As part of the Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) program, a workshop on 'Healthcare Information Management System', was organised by the Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, NUINS for the 1st year M.Sc (N) students on 18th and 19th February 2021. The total numbers of participants were 30 including faculty and students. Mr. Mahesh Chowta, System Administrator, NitteDU was the resource person. He explained about the Healthcare Information Management System in detail on topics such as:
  1. Important features of HIMS
  2. Important modules on HIMS
  3. Access control
  4. Transfer of patient's data
  5. Maintenance of HIMS
  6. An alternative for system failure
  7. Creating google forms, google docs, google slides, e-certificates
The participants were given hands-on experience on the practical aspects of HIMS such as creating Google forms, Google docs, Google slides, e-certificates. This helped the participants clear all their doubts and have a satisfied learning experience.

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